Questions and Answers From The Way of Series – 41

Q41: What is the difference between a twin flame and soul mate? Please describe
the importance of bringing two whole people to a relationship and maintaining
uniqueness while creating synergy.

A: It would not be appropriate to say that you can create synergy. Nor would it be
appropriate to say that you can create genuine individuality. What you can create and
cultivate is the willingness to be wholly committed to allowing every last trace or obstacle
to the presence of Love to be dissolved from within you. Synergy and genuine individuality
arise from your devotion to being unceasingly open and receptive to the Love of God. Like
a flower bursts forth from a seed well planted, both individuality and synergy in a Holy
Relationship, which is where only synergy can be found . . . these things arise from the
receiving of Love, the allowing of Love, the remembrance of that Love.

What is the difference between what are called twin flames and soul mates? First, the only
difference is a matter of definition. The concept of twin flame was given by a friend of mine
as a way of assisting minds to see that there is an aspect of them that is uniquely and
profoundly linked to something that is as much them as the self they think they are is, that
has become fragmented, that what was whole became apparently fragmented, and,
therefore, mind becomes imbalanced.

The idea was to create a story line in which the mind, so attuned to seeking for fulfillment
outside of itself, would, at least, begin to desire that which symbolizes the movement into
wholeness, the linking together of the male and female energies within the consciousness.
At the risk, of course, that some minds would actually believe that to discover and find
one’s twin flame requires finding another personality in a body. And yet, because in Reality
that fragmentation has never occurred, you need not go any further, in Truth, than your
own awareness, your own beingness, to discover that that one is still within you. And you
can not be separate from that one at all.

It may be that in the field of time, you, as a consciousness, will need to have the
experience of attracting one who seems to be in another body, so that you can come
together. But that is more the fruit of your belief that you are the body than of some
objective reality. For in Reality, the Truth is one. Separation does not exist. Period.

And for soul mates? Same story. It can be appropriate to use those terms to describe to
some minds what they’re experiencing, as a way of giving and understanding that allows
them to relax and get on with it. It is also true ‘that within the drama of the dream of
separation, there are souls – fragments of awareness, if you will – that have danced
together and played together and have never lost the sense of union or love with, and for,
one another. And therefore, over a period of time and the creation of specialness, those
seeming two souls spark something within one another. They recognize the Truth in the
core of the other, because they never really lost it, as they may have successfully lost it in
other relationships. And, therefore, it is . . . hmm-m . . . it occasionally happens when two
such that are on the path of awakening require coming back together, in space and time,
to spark, to re-spark the commitment necessary to heal the sense of separation and to
awaken from the delusion that a separate self has ever existed.

This means that you are not in need of anyone to be whole. It also means that when you
discover that wholeness within yourself, you will be free, if you wish, to enter into
relationship with anyone you might choose, and who would choose you. Hopefully, it will
come from a place of holiness and freedom, and not fear and specialness. For the latter
leads to pain that must yet be healed. The former leads to ongoing creativity and

It is only when two who are whole come together, having looked within and truly
understood that there is no lack and, therefore, no need, that the power of creativity can
flow through that entity. And any such committed relationship creates another entity, and
gives birth to that which reflects the Truth, so that it can be seen by others who abide in
space and time.

Do not attach specialness to the concept of twin flame or soul mate. If anything, remember
that your soul mate is your Creator. Everybody else is your friend.